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about vicu

Vicu (she/her) is an actress born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1996. She is based in Amsterdam where she works as a film and theatre actress. She is also a writer, model, singer, dancer, writer, DJ & producer.

Vicu has completed multiple courses in theatre, camera acting, dance and music in her hometown. In 2019 she graduated with a Bachelor in the Performing Arts from UADE University. Her Bachelor was specialised in acting, music and dance.


To explore new cultures, languages and expand her network, she emigrated overseas. She has lived in Amsterdam and Berlin, but since 2022 she is officially based in the Netherlands. Besides acting, she is passionate about languages, a trait that makes her the perfect option for international productions. She speaks English, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese and Italian.

Some of her latest work include the role of Angel in "MAXIMA" series about Dutch-Argentinian queen Maxima Zorreguieta which will be streamed on Videoland (2024) and two leading roles in the short films “In The Bushes” (2023) and "Tide Therapy" (2023) both films made for the 48 Hour Film Project in the Netherlands.

Her character can be described as passionate, determined and persevering. Even in the most challenging times, such as moving to new countries with foreign languages, Vicu has endured and made the best out of it.

She is also interested in spirituality, sustainability,  environmental, animal rights, veganism, feminism and LGBTQIA+ activism.

Sobre mí


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